• Another aspect of Humility is knowing that we are God’s Beloved and that we are cherished beyond understanding. That God’s love endures forever and will never forsake us. In this I am humbled and when I acknowledge that in His mercy and grace I am part of His Kingdom, a child of God, I can only respond in love, praise and thanksgiving. Abba…[Read more]

  • I find that being authentic and true to myself is to share in a way that speaks to my heart, my intent and God’s revelation in my life. I am open to share myself with others knowing God is present and will use any of what I am inspired to share for His purposes and not mine. I can only share from my experience and of course honor the dignity and…[Read more]

  • I don’t always identify specifically (naming of gifts) but have found myself in service to others and the church in various ways such as leading worship music, spiritual companion, community group leader, facilitating study groups, etc. I’ve tried to be aware of where and how God wants to use me in the various seasons of my life. I’m now in the…[Read more]

  • David’s situation reminded me that its the cover up that makes things worse… of course not to have sinned in the firs place would have been better, but even then the lust in David’s eyes committed adultery at that moment. So how do we remain in God’s presence in the moment so that we can seek His forgiveness before making things worse……[Read more]

  • I’m better at being than doing… or is that just being a sloth? Thank God for the doers of the world! PAX

  • what a wonderful opportunity those who received spiritual direction from C.S. Lewis had. I wonder if any of the directees were intimidated by him? I really like the fact that he directed by letters… to be able to re-read and have a tangible resource to ponder and contemplate upon would be great… my memory isn’t so great… so being able to…[Read more]