jeffrbassett started the topic JBassett Lsn 3, Going Back In Order To God Forward in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 3 years ago
7. Joseph chooses to break the “normal” way his family deals with hurt feelings and conflict by forgiving his brothers. How might you have responded if you were in Joseph’s position?
I used to think I could be forgiving in this way, but I have discovered that I seek to obtain my pound of flesh in a different way. I often want assurances from…[Read more]
jeffrbassett replied to the topic carol newbern lesson 2 in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 3 years ago
“Living in false self means…I am trying to offer what I do not have.” This is a wonderful insight that helps me, Carol. Trying to offer patience, energy, skill, even love that I do not actually have a hold of. I wonder if my desire to do this is about someone else seeing me as god? I want to be what I am not. I live in that pride and try to…[Read more]
jeffrbassett replied to the topic BrianIpock_Lsn2 in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 3 years ago
Brian, I wonder if you see any theme to these second chances. Have you noticed that God’s persistence and grace happens at any particular times or under any particular circumstances? What are the habits and practices that have enabled you to hear his voice when you are in those dark days?
jeffrbassett started the topic JBassett Lsn 2, Know Yourself that You May Know God in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 3 years ago
What are you angry about?
As a child, I realized at some point that I was a relatively angry person. I would spend my Saturday mornings, as I was vacuuming for my weekly chores, going over things I should have said the week before. With the noise of the vacuum, I could speak without anyone else hearing. The funny thing about this was that I didn’t…[Read more] -
jeffrbassett replied to the topic MHoggard_Lesson4_Desires_and_Values in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 3 years, 1 month ago
Maggie, these values all seem to lead to certain kind of vocation. I would be intrigued to discover what your secondary values are. I found it to be difficult to distinguish between my primary and secondary values simply because my experience tends to be of the “secondary” values. Not sure why that is.
jeffrbassett replied to the topic BrianIpock_Lsn4 in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 3 years, 1 month ago
Brian, it is wonderful to hear how clear you are on this point. Unfortunately, the evangelical movement that Ockenga helped start doesn’t have space for this kind of life.
I don’t know your story, but I am glad that you have come to this kind of clarity. The world (my world) is better for it.
jeffrbassett started the topic JBassett, Crafting a Rule: Lsn 4, Desires and Values in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 3 years, 1 month ago
Harold John Ockenga and his friends had a passion to reclaim the culture, renew the mind, and reach the world. Which of these areas are you most drawn to? If not one of these, is there another area that tugs at your heart? Why?
I think I see the actual reclaiming of culture as a lost cause. Maybe this is because I have come out of the tail end of…[Read more]
jeffrbassett started the topic JBassett Introduction in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 3 years, 1 month ago
My name is Jeff Bassett. I am a pastor of a Nazarene church in Sacramento and looking forward to the course.
jeffrbassett replied to the topic Spiritual Gifts in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 3 years, 2 months ago
Tom, I would love to hear your reflections on where you feel the Spirit pulling you. The naming of specific gifts can be limiting and artificial, so it is nice to see you simply notice where you find yourself. That noticing is itself a kind of gift. I’m reminded of the profound words that my dad used to quote, “Wherever you go, there you are.”…[Read more]
jeffrbassett replied to the topic Welcome! in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 3 years, 2 months ago
Greetings. This is my first course with CMA. I had used Macchia’s text for my RoL last year, recommended by my spiritual director. I eventually did get a Rule of Life put together, but I think this course is going to help keep me much more accountable.
I’m a Nazarene pastor in Sacramento, CA and looking forward to continuing to explore the…[Read more]
jeffrbassett replied to the topic BrianIpock_Lsn3 in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 3 years, 2 months ago
Brian, I would love to hear how you think about getting better at focusing on the poor. Is this assessable? I tend to have the same desire, but I struggle to know how I can do it in an integrated way with the other things I have happening in my life.
I think you are wise to select just two of your gifts to focus on for the week. The challenge…[Read more]
jeffrbassett started the topic Lesson 3, Question 4 in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 3 years, 2 months ago
In the coming week, how will you lean into the joy of developing your skills and gifts for the benefits of others?
In my ministry, the pressure is often on the administrative and visionary roles. These are the roles that, so it is imagined, build a church into the future. But my gifts and heart are for deepening of the faith through discipleship,…[Read more]
jeffrbassett replied to the topic Letters from Lewis in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 3 years, 2 months ago
Tom, I think you must be right about the gift of having a skilled director. It wouldn’t hurt to have one as insightful and gifted with a pen as Lewis.
Do you think that your memory being “[not] so great” pushes you to act in any particular ways? Writing things down or making notes so that you actually remember more better than others who might…[Read more]
jeffrbassett replied to the topic MHoggard_Lesson2- King David and Psalm 51 in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 3 years, 2 months ago
Thank you, Maggie. Everything good comes from the Lord, even a willing spirit and open lips. Wow! It is wonderful to read a redemptive take on the incessant knowledge of our own failures, sins, and mistakes. The consciousness of our sins can serve to corrode so much that is good, as you have described, or it can prompt us to seek those gifts from…[Read more]
jeffrbassett started the topic JBassett Lsn 1: Relationships in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 3 years, 2 months ago
Consider King David’s story. What resonates with you? Why?
What strikes me about King David in this reading is the fundamental necessity of God’s grace to go before even his action of repenting. “Have mercy upon me, O God, in your great goodness; according to the multitude of your mercies…” “O be favorable and gracious unto Zion; may you b…[Read more]