Margaret Hoggard started the topic Lesson_4_M_Hoggard in the forum Discover Healing through Grief Forum 5 years, 11 months ago
In Book Four of Journeying Through Grief, Remembering and Rebuilding, Kenneth C. Haugk speaks of the importance of finding people who will help us heal as we move through the grieving process. The characteristics he describes with the acronym HEAL also serve as an important guideline for responding to the suffering of others. As a result of this…[Read more]
Margaret Hoggard started the topic Lesson_3_M_Hoggard in the forum Discover Healing through Grief Forum 5 years, 11 months ago
Like many people, I find holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries are difficult times. These occasions seem to particularly highlight the absence of loved ones, and the loss of some of the traditions we shared with them. Some family members also need extra emotional support at these times, so they can raise much sadness for everyone. My husband…[Read more]
Margaret Hoggard started the topic Lesson_2_M_Hoggard in the forum Discover Healing through Grief Forum 6 years ago
Two emotions that I have particularly struggled with after my father died are guilt and fear. He was suffering from non-Hodgkins lymphoma, but died of a complication just as the disease was metastasizing, so his death was sudden even though his disease was terminal. When he died, his affairs were not in order, and I feel guilt that I wasn’t able…[Read more]
Margaret Hoggard started the topic Two Myths that Lead to Denial in the forum Discover Healing through Grief Forum 6 years ago
There are two myths that I think have particularly affected my experience with grief: “It’s better to deal with grief intellectually than emotionally,” and “Continuing to talk about the loss only makes the pain last longer.” Both deal with pushing emotions away, to the extent of denying them full expression. In the case of the first myth, I h…[Read more]
Margaret Hoggard replied to the topic MHoggard_Lesson13 (Final)_Context of A Spiritual Community in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Thank you for your comments. I actually used the point form format for my rule of life draft because I couldn’t figure out how to post a chart, but I think it out to be something useful for printing out as is and displaying on my bulletin board as a daily visual reminder. Having a word document of this form will also mean I can update it easily…[Read more]
Margaret Hoggard replied to the topic B Sheffler- Crafting a Rule-Final Lesson in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Sr. Becca, congratulations on finishing the course!
I love the beauty of your personal rule of life. I mentioned in my post that I looked at samples posted at https://ruleoflife.com/myrule/ that used a graphic or poetic form for the personal rule rather than a chart or prose one. Your rule reads like a lovely work of poetry, but I can also…[Read more]
Margaret Hoggard replied to the topic Becca Sheffler-Crafting a Rule-Spiritual Priorities in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Thank you for this tip, Br. Monty. I love your advice “to absorb the full flavor of each verse.” I think you are absolutely right that this is a time-consuming process that is well worth the effort.
Maggie -
Margaret Hoggard started the topic MHoggard_Lesson13 (Final)_Context of A Spiritual Community in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Question 4. Close your forum by sharing the most recent version of your Rule of Life. Listen for how each person has uniquely crafted their Rule of Life in ways that reflect God’s hard-wiring of their lives. Affirm one another with prayers of thankfulness for one another.
After reviewing the samples provided in our text in the chapter “Four I…[Read more]
Margaret Hoggard replied to the topic Becca Sheffler-Crafting a Rule-Community in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Sr. Becca, I responded to this lesson by writing about an experience a few years ago that led to me leaving a church, so I am not sure that I can answer your question on how to bring about unity. It may well be that the critical voice you raise is in fact important to keeping the church on the right track and that what you consider doing your own…[Read more]
Margaret Hoggard replied to the topic Becca Sheffler-Crafting a Rule-Spiritual Priorities in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
I grew up in a faith tradition that was strongly scripturally based and have read the Bible through several times, done my share of regular devotions readings, and study parts of it in some depth. I read something recently, though, that compared the organization of knowledge that many people have of Scripture to a bunch of post-it notes stuck on…[Read more]
Margaret Hoggard started the topic MHoggard_Lesson12_Commitment to the Body of Christ in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Question 2. Most of us deny that we resist submission to the larger good of the Church. Where have you seen resistance in yourself? How can you encourage one another to become a more positive influence, even when you disagree with the Church?
The greatest resistance I have experienced in my “submission to the larger good of the Church” relates…[Read more]
Margaret Hoggard replied to the topic Becca Sheffler-Crafting a Rule-Relational Priorities in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Br. Monty, I agree that we should limit relationships with people who are toxic and seek out those with whom we can have the mutually beneficial contacts you describe. Sometimes, it is choice to continue in a damaging relationship, perhaps because it is the right thing to do or because there are others involved who will be hurt or left…[Read more]
Margaret Hoggard replied to the topic Gifts, Love, and Humility in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Sr. Becca, I appreciate your deepening of the analogy of the fruit tree very much. You have made it even more vital for me by reflecting on what actually happens during dormant periods. I will keep this image in mind as I evaluate my progress in preparation for finalizing my rule of life. Thank you for your understanding of why the seasons of…[Read more]
Margaret Hoggard replied to the topic Becca Sheffler-Crafting a Rule-Finances in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Very useful advice! Thank you!
Margaret Hoggard replied to the topic MHoggard_Lesson_11_Talent: Missional Priorities in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
I appreciate your response very much, Br. Monty. For now, the hardest issue for me is not being able to predict when a health issue will arise, whether for me or for someone close to me. This makes it difficult to follow any regular schedule that would require me to serve at a particular time and place. I do what I can, and I have hopes that at…[Read more]
Margaret Hoggard replied to the topic Achieving Congruency in the Mind of the Heart:Discerning&Wanting What God Wants in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Sr. Deana, as a spiritually mature person, you provide much inspiration in your post, as well as an effective series of questions for reflecting on living up to Christian objectives at the end of each day. (“Did I meet Jesus today? Was I attentive to His presence in me? In others? Was I sensitive to the whispering of the Holy Spirit? Was I moved…[Read more]
Margaret Hoggard started the topic MHoggard_Lesson_11_Talent: Missional Priorities in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Question 3. Our missional priorities can change over time, and as we get older, they become more pronounced. How are you sensing stability or change in your personal mission during this season of life?
As I am getting older and facing transitions, I am aware of both freedoms and limitations at this stage of my life. While I have more time to be…[Read more]
Margaret Hoggard replied to the topic Gifts, Love, and Humility in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
This discussion encourages deep reflection on attitudes towards gifts, love, and humility. I feel great humility for the gifts that God has given to me, although, I admit, not always gratitude because sometimes those gifts have not always been easy to practice. Nor have they always been welcomed by other people or institutions where I have…[Read more]
Margaret Hoggard replied to the topic Becca Sheffler-Crafting a Rule-Finances in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Sr. Becca, I believe your rule has great power as a principle to follow for managing finances, and I will borrow your format for developing my own guideline. Thank you for walking us through the process that led you from something specific yet transient to a more universal statement that demonstrates a permanently wise and charitable purpose for…[Read more]
Margaret Hoggard started the topic MHoggard_Lesson10_Treasure: Financial_Priorities in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Question 3. What are the guiding principles that matter most in stewarding your personal material and financial resources?
When it comes to material and financial resources, the principles laid out by Paul in 1st Timothy 6 have given me guidance in the right attitude towards money and possessions. This passage not only warns that the love of…[Read more]
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