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  • #3015
    Francis Calvert

    For me the two main symptoms are Doing for God instead of Being with God and dividing life into sacred and secular. I find both of these very challenging but I am working on them both.

    Francis Calvert

    I hope to gain a greater understanding of what contemplative prayer is and how to live as a contemplative in the world. It can be scary to set out on any new path so I hope to gain guidance and appreciation of the richness of the Christian contemplative tradition, there is much misunderstanding about this subject you say contemplation or meditation and most people think of Buddhism or Hinduism and then comes suspicion that what one is doing is “new age” or not Christian. I want to understand the difference between contemplation and Meditation. I have a fairly cursory knowledge of this but would like to know more. I feel a vocation to a contemplative life and over my lifetime I have felt this calling. I think that now I am in the position I am in that calling is much clearer. I cannot do much in any kind of practical way because of my health issues but I can pray.

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