• Francis Calvert started the topic Centering Prayer. in the forum Contemplative Prayer Forum 4 years, 10 months ago

    During this session of centering prayer I encountered a deep and abiding sense of peace, I could feel God touching me as I contemplated him as Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals. Right now I need a lot of healing owing to my mental and physical health issues. I heard God telling me to trust him and that he will guide me’like St Paul I am stronger through my weakness, I just need to trust God more. I was challenged in the sense that I must daily put my trust in him, put aside any doubts and worldly concerns and spend time with God, only he can truly help me through the situation I find myself in. I am the kind of person who questions everything I need to learn how to simply trust, that at times goes against my nature but it is something I am going to have to work on. I experienced my body and my senses becoming more at peace, my senses were tuned into a different frequency, God’s frequency it was a real sense of feeling comfortable in myself.

    • Francis, thank you for sharing. Very often God touches me in contemplative prayer. It is such a blessing that words fail to describe. I am very glad that you are receiving His grace.

      In Him,
      Abbot Dan