Francis Calvert started the topic Lesson 4: Relational Prayer in the forum Oremus 4 years, 2 months ago
How do I start Relational prayer?
Francis Calvert started the topic Lesson 3: Lectio Divina. Francis Calvert in the forum Oremus 4 years, 3 months ago
How do you feel Lectio Divina can help you as you pray?
I feel that Lectio can help me understand scripture at a much deeper level, than merely reading and understanding it academically. When I pray scripture I can feel it as part of me. It is bringing me closer to God. I am having a true conversation with God. Lectio can help me by showing me…[Read more]
Francis Calvert started the topic Lesson 2: Before you Pray. Francis Calvert in the forum Oremus 4 years, 4 months ago
It is important to be consistent in the times that we pray, that I should try to pray at the same time each day. As a Benedictine I am blessed with the opportunity to pray regularly with the daily office, I set aside time to pray the offices each day so I use these times as a way of leading into more contemplative prayer and intercessory prayer.…[Read more]
Francis Calvert started the topic Lesson 1: What is Prayer. Francis Calvert in the forum Oremus 4 years, 4 months ago
What Challenges do you face in your prayer life?
I face the challenge of maintaining a true and authentic prayer life, in finding the time to fit all the prayer I ned to in my day. However I need to do this. It can be difficult because of my health problems.
Francis Calvert started the topic Lesson 1: What is Prayer. Francis Calvert in the forum Oremus 4 years, 4 months ago
What Challenges do you face in your prayer life?
I face the challenge of maintaining a true and authentic prayer life, in finding the time to fit all the prayer I ned to in my day. However I need to do this. It can be difficult because of my health problems.
Francis Calvert started the topic Francis Calvert lesson 8 in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 4 years, 6 months ago
The rule of life the disciples set up in Acts 2 was based on care and fellowship with each other. They worshipped together, we are they broke bread and devoted themselves to the apostle’s teachings. communal prayer was central to the running of the community. No one went without anything if anyone was in need that was taken care of they received…[Read more]
Francis Calvert started the topic Lesson 7 Francis Calvert in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 4 years, 7 months ago
In the parable of the Good Samaritan we see a man who is prepared to flout cultural stigmas and help a Jewish man who needed help after being attacked the man’s fellow Jews a Priest and a Levite did not come to his aid, they were afraid of being made ritually unclean by helping him. Their rituals were and the letter of the law were more important…[Read more]
Francis Calvert started the topic Lesson 6 Francis Calvert in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 4 years, 7 months ago
Daniel was faithful to God he refused to worship a false God, when he was confronted with the decree to worship King Darius he went to his Bed room and started to pray three times a day, his faith and relationship with God grew and he could with all his strength stand up to the king and refuse to worship him and proclaim that he will only worship…[Read more]
Francis Calvert started the topic Francis Calvert Lesson 5 in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 4 years, 8 months ago
Dealing with grief and Loss has been difficult for me over the years. My health has at times made it difficult. recently my Dad died so that took its toll on me but I did find away through it with God’s help. The other loss I have suffered is my job because of my diagnosis of fibromyalgia. I cannot work anymore I have had lots of problems dealing…[Read more]
Francis Calvert started the topic Francis Calvert Lesson 4 in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 4 years, 8 months ago
In the story of the sacrifice of Isaac my image of God is challenged because we are taught that God is Love. How can a God of Love demand a human sacrifice? This story seems to be showing the Omnipotence of God. We see Abraham showing signs of fear as he and Isaac set off to Mount Moriah, Isaac is showing signs of apprehension when he see that…[Read more]
Francis Calvert started the topic Lesson 3 Francis Calvert. in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 4 years, 9 months ago
1) What Assumptions are the brothers making about Joseph in Verse 15?
They had assumed that Joseph was bitter because of the way they treated him selling him into slavery, humanly speaking that would be the way anyone might react however Joseph knew he had been put in the place he was by God, that all the events put into action by his bothers…[Read more]
Francis Calvert replied to the topic carol newbern lesson 1 in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 4 years, 9 months ago
For me the two main symptoms are Doing for God instead of Being with God and dividing life into sacred and secular. I find both of these very challenging but I am working on them both.
Francis Calvert started the topic Symptoms: Lesson 1 in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 4 years, 9 months ago
Looking at the list of symptoms in the work book two that strike me are 1) Doing for God instead of Being with God and 2) Dividing life into Sacred and Secular.
1) I have often in the past thrown myself into “God’s work” I was an Authorised Lay minister in my local Church of England team, I was trained in pastoral care so spent a lot of time…[Read more] -
Francis Calvert started the topic How to use the Materials in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 4 years, 10 months ago
Thank you for the very clear and concise introduction to this course, I have the books and look forward to starting learning.
Francis Calvert started the topic New to the course in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 4 years, 10 months ago
Hi I am new to this course and hope to learn much from it.
Francis Calvert started the topic Centering Prayer. in the forum Contemplative Prayer Forum 4 years, 10 months ago
During this session of centering prayer I encountered a deep and abiding sense of peace, I could feel God touching me as I contemplated him as Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals. Right now I need a lot of healing owing to my mental and physical health issues. I heard God telling me to trust him and that he will guide me’like St Paul I am stronger…[Read more]
Francis Calvert started the topic Breath Prayer in the forum Contemplative Prayer Forum 4 years, 10 months ago
I felt a real sense of serenity and oneness with God as I did my breath prayer. I used the word Yahweh as Fr Rohr suggests and it felt very natural and unforced, I can see how this form of prayer could really deepen my prayer time alone with God.
Francis Calvert started the topic Welcoming Prayer in the forum Contemplative Prayer Forum 4 years, 10 months ago
When meditating I find it difficult to avoid any distractions, welcoming prayer when practiced correctly seems to help one deal with that issue. I love the concept of welcoming God into my meditation and this seems to be a very good way to do that. although I guess all forms of Christian meditation have that as a goal. It is clear contemplative…[Read more]
These prayers are so new to most of us, but continued communion with God through these forms of prayer offer a familiarity and an expectation that is so very sweet. Thanks for opening the ear of your heart to hear His call to your spirit.
These prayers are so new to most of us, but continued communion with God through these forms of prayer offer a familiarity and an expectation that is so very sweet. Thanks for opening the ear of your heart to hear His call to your spirit.
Francis Calvert started the topic Lectio Divina in the forum Contemplative Prayer Forum 4 years, 10 months ago
As I considered the passage read I found myself immersed in the story, it was as if I was there sitting with Jesus. I felt a peace, knowing that he is going to feed me. The passage became real to me in a way that I have not experienced before. I have read the Bible many times but this is giving me a way of experiencing scripture that I have not…[Read more]
Francis Calvert started the topic How much have I considered the instruments I need in relation to knowing God. in the forum Contemplative Prayer Forum 4 years, 11 months ago
I try each day to spend time with God, indeed it is the focus of my day. I start by doing the daily office although I do not always manage all of ti depending on how my health is that day. I am learning how to pray the office and not just say it. I find that difficult at times. Scripture is essential to a greater understanding of where I am in…[Read more]
As we open our hearts to God, He forms us as He desires. Our attempts to “do” for Him are generally feeble and misguided. Your Father desires you, not what you do. He wants to hold you. He will then do what He desires, and He may even invite you into the work that He is about. The monastic spirit considers life in the terms of breathing. We inhale…[Read more]
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Francis, thank you for sharing. Very often God touches me in contemplative prayer. It is such a blessing that words fail to describe. I am very glad that you are receiving His grace.
In Him,
Abbot Dan