Dillon Ekle replied to the topic How to Use Materials in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 5 years, 3 months ago
I don’t know if Abbot Dan has responded to you directly or not, but instead of the DVD, the video for each lesson is included in the lesson itself here on the website.
Dillon Ekle replied to the topic Introduction in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 5 years, 3 months ago
Hi Carol! Nice to meet you!
One of my favorite things about the Daily Office is that it is so forgiving to lapses, unlike a Bible reading plan for example. 🙂
Dillon Ekle started the topic Dillon Ekle Lesson 2 in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 5 years, 4 months ago
This has been a difficult question for me to think about because, at the moment, I am pretty calm about life. That makes it difficult to remember when I’ve been emotionally provoked, even if it may have been earlier today! Emotionally, in general, I tend to burn hot and quick, and not just with anger or “negative” emotions. If something makes me…[Read more]
Dillon Ekle replied to the topic MHoggard_Lesson2 in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 5 years, 4 months ago
From Maggie:
My anxiety stems from a fear that I haven’t produced the fruit that the Lord expects from me.
This is an interesting wording for this fear, because it brings forward both the fear of not doing enough of what God has given me to do, but also the fear of not producing the right type of fruit. That is, even if I’m doing his work, m…[Read more]
Dillon Ekle changed their profile picture 5 years, 4 months ago
Dillon Ekle replied to the topic Welcome Dillon in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 5 years, 4 months ago
Thank you Abbot Dan! I am looking forward to it, particularly as an introduction to monastic spirituality, but also just as a general step forward in my own spiritual development.
Just so you’re aware, one thing I noticed in the course is that the “quizzes” for the two introductory lessons include questions about posting and doing assignments #2…[Read more]
Dillon Ekle replied to the topic MHoggard_Lesson1 in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 5 years, 4 months ago
Though this post is from a year ago, I will go ahead and respond to it and to the others as I move through the lessons.
a judgment I have avoided by working very hard on His behalf instead of allowing myself enough contemplative time and space to be with Him.
This idea of working to avoid a judgment is so relatable to me, and I suspect to many.…[Read more]
Dillon Ekle started the topic Dillon Ekle Lesson 1 in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 5 years, 4 months ago
Discovering the symptoms that are most active in my spiritual life has proven somewhat more difficult than expected. My initial reaction was symptom 6, “Doing for God instead of being with God.” This revelation is actually part of what pushed me to take this course, and even before that, it indirectly led me to discover the Benedictine order and…[Read more]
Dillon Ekle replied to the topic Welcome to the Forum! in the forum Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum 5 years, 4 months ago
I am just writing this as a brief introduction. I am excited to begin this course and see how Peter’s approach to spiritual health may apply to my life!
I’m a lifelong Anglican and went to a Christian K-12 school, and I grew up in a Christian family, so I have been surrounded by the opportunity to learn about and be with God for most of…[Read more]