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  • #4696
    carol newbern

    Hello Charlotte, Nice to have you in this conversation. I too am staying mostly home. Playing in the garden, working toward a Permaculture Food Forest. It is a long patient process…building good soil. My dream is to have a place to share with others…Once we can let them come over:).
    Having a Mentor is a rare gift. I was beginning to build a relationship with Sr. Jeanie Drake. She more than anyone in many, many years shared Jesus’ love in such a way, in just a few moments (without even knowing it) to begin the process of softening my heart, so I could even consider any of this introspection. Bless you and all you love, Carol Newbern

    carol newbern

    Good Morning Abbot Dan, I found this link to be helpful in exploring Names of God in the Old Testament. The Tozer quote , “Acquaint thyself with God.” is a fathomless challenge and delight:)

    Bless you all, carol

    carol newbern

    Good Morning, Am delighted to begin another course with CMA. Am not totally sure on this forum which posts relate to my first lesson. Have browsed through those that seem to relate and am enjoying ‘getting to know’ others a bit. Some posts are quite old…so others may have moved on from the conversation, but I am enjoying the insights shared. Thank you

    carol newbern

    Good Morning Emanuel and others, Your insight into the Psalm is a blessing and an invitation to ponder more deeply what I read. The overwhelming conviction that you came to see God’s goodness even in the uncomfortable times and revelation of your own shortcomings. It is exciting and hopeful to me to see in others’ lives, God’s constant care and desire for us to be positioned to be fully who He intends us to be and more and more deeply in relationship with Him and others. Thank you all:)

    carol newbern

    Good Morning again Abbot Dan, I suppose I should have not jumped ahead. The class appears not ready. I guess when the site says “coming soon” mean what you say:) I was hoping it was ready, but you just hadn’t updated the course offering page 🙂

    Appreciate the time and effort you put into making these classes possible. I’ll satisfy myself with reading Tozer and get started on Kay Arthur’s book. Maybe choose a different class when done with EHS.

    Thank you, Blessings!

    carol newbern

    Dear Abbot Dan, Thank you for your encouragement! Looking forward to more classes:) c

    carol newbern

    Good Day Abbot Dan and Margaret, Some repetition here:)
    Emotionally Immature: Detachment, Mistrust, Running Away, Using own skills/strength (not God’s provision), Escape.
    Emotionally Mature: Vulnerable, Honest, Running Towards (In God’s Strength), Waiting on God, Engage.

    Blessings on you both, carol

    carol newbern

    Hello again, I wanted to commend 2 books that have helped lay a foundation and nudge me toward a more intentional rule of life. (When I signed up…I didn’t realize this Emotionally Healthy Spirituality course emphasized Daily Office and Sabbath…one more nudge:)

    “The Book of NOT SO COMMON Prayer” by Linda McCullough Moore
    “Seeking God The Way of St. Benedict” by Esther de Waal

    Blessings, carol

    carol newbern

    Good Morning, In pondering workbook page 34 question 11. Living in false self means (even when I think I am serving/helping) i am trying to offer what I do not have…which is a grave disservice to others. (Not sure if I read i this study or another.)

    carol newbern

    Hi again Dillon. Thanks for you welcome greeting. Looking forward to this journey. carol

    carol newbern

    Good morning Dillon. Thanks. When I took the time to browse around I realized what it was. Getting the hang of navigating our Forum. Carol

    carol newbern

    Good Morning Dillon,

    At this moment, I too am in a calm spot in my life. Reading about the Dark Night of the Soul now, didn’t resonate as well as if I were in a crisis or depression. I certainly don’t want to stir up anything:0

    The friendship/relationship piece is a good reminder to me to make the time…no agenda…to find the joy in relationship with others.

    Thanks, carol

    carol newbern

    Thank you Abbot Dan for your welcome. I’m looking forward to this journey. Thank you again for creating a welcoming and easy to follow format. As one who overcomplicates virtually everything… this is refreshing to just put one foot in front of the other as your guidelines lead.

    Blessings, carol

    carol newbern

    Good Morning Margaret (or do you prefer Maggie?) I’m Carol. Just beginning what you have be experiencing for a while. I can relate to your reaction to the course…quoted below.

    You said…..
    “Now that I am at an age and physical stage that I have slowed down, I feel blessed to have stumbled upon this course to guide me towards emotionally healthy spiritually in faithful and open-hearted relationship with God. In all honesty, though, I am stunned (and a little apprehensive) about the depth of awareness that this week’s readings, prayers, and assignments have awoken in me. Based on the course so far, I expect this will be a challenging but necessary journey.”

    I like your use of the word ‘stunned’. I walk in greater and greater awe of God and that mystery and tension of how close and intimate He is and how Great and incomprehensible He is. Exciting but scary.

    carol newbern

    Good Morning Dillon, Your candor is an encouragement to me to take time to ponder the questions and not just “finish the assignment” for the sake of “checking off a box”. I also found that looking at one symptom intertwined with others. Thank you.

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