Becca Sheffler replied to the topic Becca Sheffler-Crafting a Rule-Finances in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
Thanks, Maggie!
My recent challenge in this area has actually come from Chapter 39 of the Rule of Saint Benedict. It is about the proper amount of food, but the principles apply equally well to use of finances:
“Above all overindulgence is avoided.” And “in all matters frugality is the rule.”
Now to actually apply these to the vicissi…[Read more]
Becca Sheffler replied to the topic Gifts, Love, and Humility in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
Maggie, I can identify strongly with so much of what you shared. For the last couple of years, I’ve been in what seems like a season of continual transition. Perhaps it would be more helpful for me to look at it as a season of learning to surrender.
Your image of the life cycle of the fruit tree was particularly striking for me. Am I in a s…[Read more]
Becca Sheffler started the topic B Sheffler- Crafting a Rule-Final Lesson in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
It’s hard to believe I am at the end of this course! It’s been wonderful to pray through various areas of life systematically, and to engage with you all in the process. To wrap up this course, I’d like to share with you all my final product, which I’m sure will evolve over time:
“To pursue a life of love for God and neighbor and care for all C…[Read more]
Becca Sheffler replied to the topic M Hoggard Lesson 7 Spiritual Priorities in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
Maggie, first of all let me offer my prayers and support as you deal with your husband’s health issues. I do hope you’ll have a restful holiday, and that the surgery goes smoothly. Blessings to both of you!
I completely identify with both the necessity of structure and with the challenges of achieving it. I personally find the offices deeply mea…[Read more]
Becca Sheffler replied to the topic Becca Sheffler-Crafting a Rule-Spiritual Priorities in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
What a great idea! The lectionary is something I take for granted. It’s something “other people” use. I’m just the recipient of their knowledge when I attend a service or pray the offices with an audio app. But there’s no reason I can’t develop a working familiarity with the lectionary readings and their significance. Thanks!
Becca Sheffler started the topic Becca Sheffler-Crafting a Rule-Community in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
I’ve been deeply convicted during this lesson regarding my failure to actively contribute to the unity of the local church. We all have our own ideas, and I’ve been much to quick not only to criticize, but to do my own thing. If even one of us acts this way, we can never be truly unified. And so I must take responsibility and repent. I need to act…[Read more]
Becca Sheffler replied to the topic Living Without Silos in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
Hi all! I’m on the road again. I’m doing a bit better, I think, at being a consistent me, whether on the road or at home. But life prior to this trip was very full, and I am reveling in the chance to pull away and relax. Through the centuries, men and women of God have recognized the value of retreating periodically from their everyday lives to…[Read more]
Becca Sheffler replied to the topic MHoggard_Lesson6_Define my Mission in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
Maggie, you have given me something to ponder. I had never considered the distinction between vision and mission. Like you, I’ve been inspired and guided by the beautiful prayer of St. Francis. But I’ve put so much emphasis on the present moment that I haven’t really given much thought to the longer view, at least not in quite some time. Thank…[Read more]
Becca Sheffler started the topic Becca Sheffler-Crafting a Rule-Talent in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
Relationships have always been a priority for me. As I’ve aged, they’ve become even more of a priority. But also, as I’ve aged, my introversion has become more pronounced. I find I have less and less energy to invest, even as more and more people seem to want a piece of me. I hunger for solitude, and yet feel called to invest in others. Findi…[Read more]
Becca Sheffler replied to the topic On the chapter: What is the Intentional Passion God Has Planted in Me? in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 5 months ago
Ah… The besetting sin of talking too much. Thank you, Sister, for the reminder that God doesn’t generally need me to be His mouthpiece! Bless you!
Becca Sheffler replied to the topic Playing Within "Godly" Boundaries in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 5 months ago
I’m always amazed at the extent to which I’m willing to go to rationalize in or to exert my own will. I’m so grateful for the gentle, persistent reminders from the Spirit that I need to continually submit my will to the will of the Father!
Becca Sheffler started the topic Becca Sheffler-Crafting a Rule-Finances in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 5 months ago
I was puzzling over exactly how this portion of my rule should look and discussed it with a dear friend. She pointed out that a “philosophy” is different from an “action”. This clarification really helped me. I was trying to shape statements such as, “I will only spend X amount on…” or “I will refrain from spending on…” She helped me to se…[Read more]
Becca Sheffler replied to the topic Spiritual Gifts in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 6 months ago
Brothers, I’ve missed both of you lately! Your giftedness has certainly enriched my life! I’m looking forward to connecting with both of you again soon!
Sr. B -
Becca Sheffler replied to the topic Achieving Congruency in the Mind of the Heart:Discerning&Wanting What God Wants in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 6 months ago
I just finished reading a wonderful (short!) piece that speaks beautifully to this issue of contemplation and growth: “Jesus at the Age of Twelve” by Aelred of Rievaulx. He writes so beautifully of how even Jesus had to grow, and how God brings us along the same path of growth. I’d highly recommend it!
Sr. B -
Becca Sheffler started the topic Becca Sheffler-Crafting a Rule-Physical Priorities in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 6 months ago
Our culture seems to be obsessed with health, yet is deeply unhealthy. The information available to us on physical wellness is prolific, but much of it is conflicting. Where I live, we are in the midst of what some are calling a crisis with opioid addiction, despite public education campaigns. Health and exercise clubs and classes are widely…[Read more]
Becca Sheffler replied to the topic Gifts, Love, and Humility in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 6 months ago
Sister Deanna, your words are a great encouragement to me. I’ve always struggled with a desire for approval. Right now there are one or two situations that come to mind where an others centered attitude could only benefit all parties concerned. How might these “difficult” individuals repond if I treated them with respect? How might relat…[Read more]
Becca Sheffler replied to the topic Becca Sheffler-Crafting a Rule-Spiritual Priorities in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 6 months ago
Something relatively new to me, which may help to shape that annual rhythm, is the observance of the feast days of saints. Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been using an audio version of the Daily Office which incorporates information about the saint(s) whose feast is that day. It’s a beautiful, regular reminder about our history as God’s peopl…[Read more]
Becca Sheffler started the topic Becca Sheffler-Crafting a Rule-Relational Priorities in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 6 months ago
An action that I have been taught is crucial for relationships to flourish is forgiveness. Christ commands it and taught us to pray that we would be forgiven as we forgive.
But I’ve sometimes struggled to forgive. Often I’m not even sure what forgiveness looks like, especially when the offender is not repentant. Recently I’ve begun to wonde…[Read more]
Becca Sheffler replied to the topic Becca Sheffler-Crafting a Rule-Vision in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 6 months ago
I have found such joy in the contemplative life, even though I feel like a rookie! The dark quiet of the early morning in Vigils and Centering Prayer is lovely beyond words! Tom and Monty, you are both such an encouragement to me! Bless you, brothers!
Becca Sheffler replied to the topic Focus on gifts also brings focus on doing. in the forum Crafting a Rule of Life Forum 6 years, 6 months ago
Monty, I’ve been thinking about your post this week as the couple of volunteer jobs I was doing have seemed to dry up and I’m wondering what to “do” next. I’ve been taught from the cradle, at least by implication, that recognition is a good thing. But Jesus had a few things to say about putting stock in the recognition of men. What does that say…[Read more]
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