Welcome and Introduction 



Hello! Welcome to this important study of Crafting a Rule of Life. I commend you for taking the step into this course. It can sound off-putting, maybe even intimidating, to consider rules. Our culture values freedoms and personal rights so much that rules are sometimes are viewed as shackles to be thrown off and avoided. However, rules are necessary structures for creating safe passageways toward desired goals. Without them, we are left to wander about aimlessly. Without guidelines we are subject to unknown threats to rob us of our goals. Without measuring posts, we loose perspective to recognize progress.

Rules are critical to provide structure, guidelines, and perspective. More than 1,500 years ago, St. Benedict wrote The Rule to guide himself and his followers in monastic life. His Rule remains the guide for western monastics. It offers a trellis, for the roots of monastic communities to secure themselves and grow toward righteous living. It serves as a measuring stick to measure progress toward maturity.

In the following 12 lessons, you will discover the importance of crafting a Rule for your own life. You will complete exercises that will help you craft a Rule for yourself. You will find encouragement to fulfill your Rule and thus grow in your faith. You may find it helpful to purchase Stephen A. Macchia’s book, Crafting a Rule of Life. This course is framed around his book. The book is not mandatory but recommended to all students of this course. You can purchase the book at:

Amazon Books

While these lessons are on-line and self-paced, the structure is similar to any classroom. There are lectures to watch, lessons to complete, discussions in which to participate, and quizzes to complete. None of these (not even the quizzes) are intended to be overbearing. Each is designed to impart new ideas and concepts, share opinions and preferences, reinforce learning and (I hope) to have fun. So, as you move through the course, please watch all videos, read all lessons, and follow the instructions. In this way, you will benefit from the time that you are investing. God bless you through this course. May His name be praised to His glory.

Now as you prepare to watch the video for this lesson, pause to pray to God to open the ears of your heart and hear His voice. May His Holy Spirit guide you into deep relationship with God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now watch the video.

Proceed to Lesson 2 when you are ready.