Getting Started


As you begin this lesson there are a few things that you must do in preparation for a successful learning experience.

First, begin each lesson with prayer. Pray that the LORD will soften your heart to learn the lesson that He intends to give you as a blessing. Pray that He will remove distractions, including your own personal opinions and biases, so that you clearly hear His voice. Please pray for your fellow students and for your instructor as you journey through this study.

Second, purchase the book before you begin. This is important. Beginning this course (or any of these courses) without the materials is like putting out to sail across the ocean with no maps or charts. For this course, the workbook is $6.75 from Precepts International. Order the book by clicking on the link below –

Kinsman Redeemer-Precept Workbook (Nasb)

When you have the book then you should mark this lesson complete and begin the course. Let’s get started!