Before we begin

Before we begin this course, you need to get organized. First, you will need to get the “Discovering God’s Vision for Your Life” Participant Manual and the Spiritual Gifts Inventory (Parts I and II) for this course. Order it from Stephen Ministries by going to their website at:

Order the Student Workbook Here

Next, you need to pray as you enter into each lesson. Inviting God’s influence into this study is essential. We open ourselves to His will, as we sacrifice our own selfish interests. Discovering the gifts given by the Holy Spirit draws your vision into harmony with His vision. Finally, find a time and place where you can focus on the materials and be present in your study. God called Moses onto to the mountain to meet with Him. He told Moses, “Come here and be here with Me.” God calls us through these studies to be present with Him. You will need a few materials and prepare before you being this course.
  • First, find a quite and comfortable place where you can focus on your study for an hour. You may want to have a drink or snack nearby. That is one of the things that I enjoy about on-line learning. You can be relaxed.
  • Have your Participant Manual and something to write with, a pen or pencil is fine.
  • Have a journal or notebook for this course. You will probably have insights and feelings that you will want to note as you go through this study.
Let’s begin!  
ASSIGNMENT #1 Have you prayed for God to prepare your heart to hear His voice? Prayer is a unique communion with God that seeps into our spirit. Open each lesson with prayer. You may want to write you prayers in your journal and see how God leads you through this course. Read your Welcome to the Journey on page 5 of your Participant Manual. Here you will learn the architecture of this course. After you are comfortable, turn to page 7 and let’s begin. Future lessons include a video for each module. In that video, I will guide you through the materials in your manual. Fill in the lesson as we go. If you miss something, just rewind the video and watch it again. You can also e-mail me and I will respond as quickly as I can.
ASSIGNMENT #2 There are advantages and disadvantages to on-line study. The self-pace nature of this form of learning is convenient. You can blend the course into the rhythm of your Rule of Life. However, on-line study may feel isolating. You may want to talk with fellow students about what they have learned from the lesson. Your Forum is our way of providing for the “classroom discussion.” You should enter a new post in each lesson. You should also respond to the posts of at least two of your fellow students (if there are others enrolled in the course). You will be blessed by others’ insight. Postings should be encouraging and uplifting, not divisive or argumentative. Also, refrain from the temptation of “teaching” fellow students. You will learn from the insights of one another. This is the power of the adult educational model. Each of you have unique experiences and gifts. In this course, you should be the student. I will be the instructor.


ASSIGNMENT #3 Take take to journal or write in your notebook. God will nudge you as you study. Sometimes the nudge may be subtle, so listen closely. Other nudges may be more forceful and cause an emotional response, don’t ignore it. Sit with God in these moments. You will be blessed. Don’t rush. The journey is more rewarding than simply completing the course. In each module there is a section of Further Points, For Your Meditation, and Follow-up Activities. Take the time to read and work through those sections. Remember, this is not a race. There are no rewards for the student who comes in first. The reward of this course is to sit with God and be nurtured by His Holy Spirit. Review all of your work and be sure it is all complete. When you are ready, mark this lesson complete and move forward.