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  • #1632
    Thomas Barker


    I found the test to be a wee bit frustrating. It seemed too limited. I’ve long thought the gifts described by Paul were meant to be interpreted as generalizations. (Also, I think tests for spiritual gifts in general are not super useful. It may be more helpful if I had several friends take the test in reference to me as my own judgement is going to be skewed. And several questions, I can’t know the answer to.)

    That negativity out of the way, I do think this is a useful exercise, though might need to be taken with a grain of salt. I look forward to the rest of the course.



    Tom, this course will build on itself. You are right, the “test” inventory is limited, as are all inventories. What I like about this course is that the inventory is a mere baseline. You will complete several revealing exercises that will give insights into giftedness. Also, much of what we learned in the past about spiritual giftedness were from perspectives of a fear of spiritual gifts or an overemphasis of spiritual gifts. This course takes a very biblical approach. There are no “I believe” or “I feel” or “I think” in this course. Dr. Haugk bases his material on the Holy Scripture where the Greek Word “charismata” is used. That is translated as “gifts of the Spirit.” Keep moving forward and let the course unfold for you.

    Fr. Dan, OSB

    Thomas Barker

    For Lesson 2

    Admired People in no particular order
    My Grandfather, Tripp Graziano, The Iron giant (from the movie, The Iron Giant), Jean Vanier, Henri Nouwen

    Common themes were thoughtfulness, gentleness, kindness, the ability to listen, compassion, and being good friends of others.


    Thomas Barker

    For Lesson 3

    It was a bit difficult. I felt as though I’d forgotten things I used to be proud of the fact that I was a part of them. But, didn’t have too much trouble coming up with a few things that I felt like I’d done well, learned a lot from and/or enjoyed how I’d grown through them.

    It took a bit of guestimating how I’d contributed to the success of each. In the case of a few of them, I came to appreciate, learn and grow not as a result of what I had done, but by what others had taught me. I noticed everything I mentioned involved being intentional with other people. And I suspect that is where spiritual gifts are best put to use.

    It was a good exercise. Learned a lot, hopefully it will provide evidence for whatever gifts we are able to determine I have.


    Thomas Barker

    Lesson 4


    1. Nurturing Leadership-26
    2. Mercy-26

    3. Helping-20
    4. Servanthood-19
    5. Shepherding-19

    I kind of expecting this to be a bit different, though it is not a big surprise. I thought teaching the faith and discernment might be on there, but alas. Perhaps they will develop in time. I suspect our gift strength may fluctuate throughout our lives. This was encouraging, I hope to prove worthy of that Mercy score.


    Thomas Barker

    Lesson 5

    This was helpful, especially illustrating the difference between fruits of the spirit and spiritual gifts. I’m planning on asking a few people what they think my spiritual gifts are and seeing how it matches up with the results of the test, as well as finding other ways to test them. Emphasizing the mutual responsibilities we have was also helpful as it is important to remember that certain gifts do not “let us off the hook” for all the duties Christians have.


    Thomas Barker

    Lesson 7:

    For the past few years, I’ve seen that people don’t know how to hear one another, nor can they speak to each other. We discount those who aren’t easy to be around and I believe this has created a great deal of loneliness in the world. Perhaps this is because we don’t make friends easily in our production/efficiency driven society.

    I hope to be a friend.



    I really appreciate the way you are working through these lessons. There is a lot of self discovery that surprises each of us when we do the hard work. It sounds like you are enjoying this. I only wish there were others who could discuss the lessons in their own lives. I encourage you to ask others who you trust, and get their viewpoints.


    In Him,

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