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    Tom Benson

    I don’t always identify specifically (naming of gifts) but have found myself in service to others and the church in various ways such as leading worship music, spiritual companion, community group leader, facilitating study groups, etc. I’ve tried to be aware of where and how God wants to use me in the various seasons of my life. I’m now in the latter season of my life, but I know God will continue to call me into service with and for others.

    Becca Sheffler

    I’m curious about something. I’ve generally (not always) heard that we’re given at least one gift when we come to faith, and that this is our gift for the rest of our earthly lives. But my experience and observations of others’ lives over the years don’t necessarily bear this out. Nor do I see strong Biblical support for this idea. The other teaching I’ve (less frequently) heard is that we are given gifts as they are needed to do whatever work God has for us to do at any given time. An example might be when someone is given the ability to heal in a particular situation, then never again sees evidence of that particular gift. Another example may be the gift of martyrdom, which is generally only experienced or exercised once. What are your thoughts? What Biblical support do you see for your position?


    I’ve been blessed with the gift of empathy, and the ability to understand others on both an intellectual and an emotional level. I’ve also been given the gift of decisiveness, and the ability to grasp and understand a situation quickly. Often times, I’ve been accused of failing to consider some situation long enough to draw a conclusion, but that is usually not the case.

    Becca Sheffler

    Brothers, I’ve missed both of you lately! Your giftedness has certainly enriched my life! I’m looking forward to connecting with both of you again soon!

    Sr. B

    Margaret Hoggard

    Becca, I read your response with particular interest. I have also observed that people’s gifts may change over time or be drawn forth as they are needed. Along with that, I was taught once a person found a vocation, it would last throughout his or her life, and I’ve seen that is also not the case for many people. I wonder if this points to the importance of being open to will of God wherever He may lead and to the possibility of change at any point in our lives. In my life, I have had a few difficult losses of what I thought were permanent gifts and clear vocations, leaving me confused and even frightened that I had displeased God. Sometimes, it has taken a long time to find my footing again, and it has only been faith that kept me moving forward until the next vocation was clear. Then all the pieces came together, and the journey made perfect sense. Perhaps the secret is having a humble spirit, as was discussed in other posts: realizing the gifts belong to God, not to us, to give and alter as He sees fit for His purposes.



    Tom, I would love to hear your reflections on where you feel the Spirit pulling you. The naming of specific gifts can be limiting and artificial, so it is nice to see you simply notice where you find yourself. That noticing is itself a kind of gift. I’m reminded of the profound words that my dad used to quote, “Wherever you go, there you are.” Doesn’t God gift us for the situations we are in (even if the gift is knowing it’s time to go!)? It seems to me that the Benedictine vow of Stability would have something to say to us. I will try, like you, to remain responsive to the moment and place that God has placed me, confident in the fact that I won’t find more of God by going somewhere else.

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