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  • #1506
    Margaret Hoggard

    Course completed July 18, 2018.


    Maggie, what beautiful insights! I had not connected 6, 4, & 8. You have opened this lesson up for me anew. Thank you. I hear long suffered pain in your posting. The scars of life hold memories in the core of our souls. I think of this as I prepare to lead a retreat on the theme “Discovering Healing through Grief.” I have included it on this website as a separate course. May I recommend it to you? If you want to take it, I have a set of the books that I will send to you at no cost. Please let me know. God bless you, Dan

    Margaret Hoggard

    Thank you for your compassionate response and your very kind offer. I was looking at the “Discovering Healing Through Grief” earlier and have registered for the online based on your recommendation. I also appreciate your generous offer to send the books for the course at no charge, but I don’t want to add to your costs, so I have ordered a set of books from the publisher instead. I am interested in learning more about the retreat. Is there a link to when and where it is being held? I will include information about the course and retreat in a Facebook group I manage for United New Testament Church International.



    Hello Maggie,

    I thought that I had answered this, but maybe not. 🙁

    Anyway, we just returned from the Grief Retreat. It was wonderful! I would gladly lead another in the future if folks would find benefit in it. The Retreat follows the same material as the on-line study. However, the materials are provided as part of the registration fees and the setting is much more intimate. We had lots of “empty space” for rest and reflection, as well as wonderful group discussion.

    Grace and peace,

    Margaret Hoggard

    Thank you for your response. I would definitely be interested in a future retreat if you schedule another one.


    Dillon Ekle

    Though this post is from a year ago, I will go ahead and respond to it and to the others as I move through the lessons.

    a judgment I have avoided by working very hard on His behalf instead of allowing myself enough contemplative time and space to be with Him.

    This idea of working to avoid a judgment is so relatable to me, and I suspect to many. The essence of the Gospel is that no amount of work is possible, but that through Christ the judgment has been settled in our favor. Yet it is so contrary to everything in the world, not just in our culture but through all of history, that the insight is still both unexpected and moving. It’s exciting and comforting to realize that we don’t need to hide behind our actions. It makes doing his work a pleasure rather than an ominous and threatening task! I say this, of course, as one who is still learning how to remember that and how to “delight in his will” from day to day.

    carol newbern

    Good Morning Margaret (or do you prefer Maggie?) I’m Carol. Just beginning what you have be experiencing for a while. I can relate to your reaction to the course…quoted below.

    You said…..
    “Now that I am at an age and physical stage that I have slowed down, I feel blessed to have stumbled upon this course to guide me towards emotionally healthy spiritually in faithful and open-hearted relationship with God. In all honesty, though, I am stunned (and a little apprehensive) about the depth of awareness that this week’s readings, prayers, and assignments have awoken in me. Based on the course so far, I expect this will be a challenging but necessary journey.”

    I like your use of the word ‘stunned’. I walk in greater and greater awe of God and that mystery and tension of how close and intimate He is and how Great and incomprehensible He is. Exciting but scary.

    Dan Nobles

    Carol, I want to welcome you to Christ Mission Academy and this course, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. I pray you will find this course beneficial to your spiritual formation. I feel this is an excellent introduction to monastic spirituality. I invite you to check out the other course offerings as well.

    Our goal is to offer quality, tuition-free education to all who desire to study. If you have comments or recommendations, please contact me directly at

    God bless you…

    In Him,
    Abbot Dan

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