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    Tom Benson

    what a wonderful opportunity those who received spiritual direction from C.S. Lewis had. I wonder if any of the directees were intimidated by him? I really like the fact that he directed by letters… to be able to re-read and have a tangible resource to ponder and contemplate upon would be great… my memory isn’t so great… so being able to reflect over and over again… to see new God speaking to me in new ways each time… going deeper into my spiritual journey. I guess that’s why books are so wonderful… PAX

    Margaret Hoggard

    I was struck with the same idea, Tom. It is amazing that a man as busy as C. S. Lewis was — as a professor, an author, a speaker, a devoted friend and family man, and an active participant in his communities of faith — found the time to provide spiritual direction to so many people through personal correspondence with them. What I find particularly moving is that he continued offering spiritual guidance even while he was in the midst of great suffering in his own life. I think the point you raise about whether any of his directees were intimidated by him would be interesting to find out. Have you seen the film Shadowlands, based on his writings and his relationship with Joy Gresham? It is one of my all time favorite movies, and it does suggest that Joy, whom he married late in life, saw him for who he really was in ways that both humbled and elevated him. (She was a remarkable American woman who earned her masters degree at the age of 20 and was an award-winning poet.) I wonder if that doesn’t speak to a quality that help us towards to our spiritual growth: someone who sees our best and our worst and accepts and even loves us anyway? It certainly seems to mirror our relationship with God, and perhaps through Him is a gift we can cultivate to offer others in our sphere of influence. Thank you for your inspiring post.

    Maggie Hoggard


    Tom, I think you must be right about the gift of having a skilled director. It wouldn’t hurt to have one as insightful and gifted with a pen as Lewis.

    Do you think that your memory being “[not] so great” pushes you to act in any particular ways? Writing things down or making notes so that you actually remember more better than others who might depend on their recall? I imagine that those who are in close relationship with you might discover all kinds of joys because of habits you pick up over the years, whereas someone else’s thoughts and reflections might just fade away with them. What you leave behind–a little like this forum post!– may just be the residue for someone else’s spiritual journey. I imagine David, with all of his Psalms, had similar feelings. How many did he feel were ready for publication? Or to be enshrined in the Scriptures?

    Thank you for your reflections. I’d love any suggestions you have on what has been valuable for you to reflect on over and over again. Maybe they could help me too. 🙂

    Grace and Peace,

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