Home Forums Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum Lesson 7 Francis Calvert

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  • #4704
    Francis Calvert

    In the parable of the Good Samaritan we see a man who is prepared to flout cultural stigmas and help a Jewish man who needed help after being attacked the man’s fellow Jews a Priest and a Levite did not come to his aid, they were afraid of being made ritually unclean by helping him. Their rituals were and the letter of the law were more important to them than a man who is hurt and in need of help. The Samaritan however had no such qualms and showed the man mercy and kindness. This is a man who comes from a hated race by the Jews: The Samaritans. Jesus was being very provocative with this parable. If a man who is not a Jew can show mercy why can a Jewish man not do the same?

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