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  • #3017
    Francis Calvert

    1) What Assumptions are the brothers making about Joseph in Verse 15?

    They had assumed that Joseph was bitter because of the way they treated him selling him into slavery, humanly speaking that would be the way anyone might react however Joseph knew he had been put in the place he was by God, that all the events put into action by his bothers were all part of God’s greater plan.
    His brothers expected Joseph to hold a grudge against them and refuse to help them again their assumptions were wrong. Joseph was in a position to help them even though they did not deserve it. We can see in Joseph a type of Jesus in as much as he helped his family and indeed the Egyptians at a time when none of them deserved the help, he showed grace and forgiveness to those who were not worthy of it. On a much bigger scale this is what Jesus did, he redeemed us of our sins when we did not deserve it.

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