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  • #5230
    Joseph Hain

    My experience of the Lectio Divina exercise was overall ok. During the second reading I did focus on the passage “I have compassion on the crowds”. I reflected on the compassion of Jesus and used this passage in the following prayer. I asked God to work in me to show compassion towards others like Jesus did to the crowd. It was a bit of a challenge to reach a sense of peace as I was unable to perform the exercise in a perfectly quiet setting but I do hope that once I can have a full moment to myself to be able to better carry out the exercise.

    Jerry Hudson

    I may have stated this in another forum, but I have found Lectio Divina to be one of the most powerful tools God has used in my life to direct me towards Him and His will. I feel that God speaks to me through the Scriptures and points me directly towards both my questions of how to apply them to my life and His responses.

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