Home Forums Contemplative Prayer Forum How equipped am I really to use these instruments to determine where I am right

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    Joseph Hain

    How equipped am I really to use these instruments to determine where I am right now? To be completely honest, I think that there is always room for growth in order to be better equipped in determining my relationship with God. I think that all of us can be better equipped, especially in the aspect of prayer. I do wish I had more time in the day to take up a better prayer discipline but, like the average working man, there are never enough hours in the day to pray. That being said, I do hope to learn more so that even when I can not sit down in the middle of work to pray, I can approach my prayer times as a better equipped Christian.

    Jerry Hudson

    Joseph, like yourself, I wish I was better disciplined to engage in more thoughtful and deeply-involved prayer times throughout the day. I have been able to, generally, to pray a morning office routinely for the last couple of years or so, which I have found to be a wonderful means of grace by which God works spiritual growth in me. I also attempt to pray at least one more office during my day, generally noontime and/or compline. These don’t always happen, though. However, something else I have done is to intentionally stop at certain hours and, at the very least, say the Lord’s Prayer or some other short prayer. I find these help greatly to reorient me towards God as I go throughout my day.

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