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    As I worked at the hospital, I was amazed at the number of patients who were admitted for various physical and mental illnesses which stemmed from spiritual unhealth. As we would begin sharing, they would tell of childhood trauma, anxieties from adolescence, and unresolved sins as an adult. Some refused pain medicines for fear they would begin talking to family and friends and expose their spiritual wounds. It was sad to see how many could have healthy physical and mental lives, if their spiritual lives were healthy. That was the greatest lesson I learned as a hospital chaplain.

    Fr. Dan

    Margaret Hoggard

    It is wonderful that you were someone that people felt they could trust with painful experiences and secret transgressions that were at the root of their ill health. The fact that they let go of their fear of judgment enough to confide in you speaks volumes about your effectiveness as a chaplain. Do you think that being placed in that role could have been part of God’s plan to lead them to a path towards emotionally healthy spirituality?


    I do. God orchestrates so many things. We are sometimes guilty of subtle idolatry, bowing to the false god of coincidences. I believe many of our experiences are God-ordered.

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