Home Forums Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum (Dan Nobles, Lsn 7, Question 2)

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    This question is found on page 98 of the student workbook. It asks students to brainstorm two lists of qualities describing emotional immaturity and emotional maturity. So, let’s share this together. Here is a partial list. You add to it in your responses.

    Emotionally Immature:

    Demanding one’s own way of thinking about a problem or subject.

    Withdrawing from others when the person’s idea isn’t accepted.

    Threatening another who disagrees with the person.

    Inconsiderate and rude, lacks compassion.

    Emotionally Mature:





    Desires truth.

    Margaret Hoggard

    Emotionally Immature
    Denying other people the right to their emotions or telling them that what they experienced or observed is never happened or isn’t real

    Emotionally Mature
    Behaving with emotional integrity: with honesty, empathy, and fairness rooted in a personal code of honor that is consistently exercised in all areas of life
    Being open to listen to others without judgment while also admitting fault when wrong

    carol newbern

    Good Day Abbot Dan and Margaret, Some repetition here:)
    Emotionally Immature: Detachment, Mistrust, Running Away, Using own skills/strength (not God’s provision), Escape.
    Emotionally Mature: Vulnerable, Honest, Running Towards (In God’s Strength), Waiting on God, Engage.

    Blessings on you both, carol



    Very good insights. I hope that you are encouraged by this course. If you have comments or suggestions, please let me know. God bless you throughout this Christmastide.

    In Him,
    Abbot Dan

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