Home Forums Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum carol newbern lesson 8

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  • #2789
    carol newbern

    Good Morning, 4 areas of Rule of Life:
    Prayer: have developed pretty consistently Morning Family Prayer from ACNA BCP
    Rest: I have always slept well (need about 8-10 hours:) Added recently..taking 1 entire week off every 3 months. (am 68, a self employed massage therapist/ortho-bionomy practitioner.)
    Work/Activity: Most of my clients are Christian so I receive encouragement from their lives.
    Relationships: am leaning into Jesus more as I become more honest with family and close friends about my feelings.

    Looking ahead..I have saved doing the Day by Day until done with this. Will use that now as 2nd time a day to stop…believe it will reinforce what this part of the course has taught.

    Thank You again Abbot Dan for putting this together for us:)

    Blessings, carol



    I am so glad that you are finding these rhythms to be helpful. The BCP is a wonderful resource for the Daily Office. The Day by Day is a good resource, especially for those unfamiliar with prayer the Office. God bless you in this journey.

    In Him,
    Abbot Dan

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