Home Forums Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum carol newbern lesson 7

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  • #2672
    carol newbern

    Good Day, I have been blessed to meet a few of those folk who I see as Emotionally/Spiritually mature. It seems they are a cut above…Rare people. It never seemed there was a concrete way to get from here to there. So, they are role models..giving some hope..but realistically have lives that are mostly unattainable.
    These lessons are encouraging…that God has made a way..and desires for us all to live out our Salvation in a deeper and richer way with others than I thought possible.

    Blessings, carol


    Thank you for your comment Carol. I am beginning to see that God has blessed us with a deep and rich path for us to move to Him. The path is unfathomable to me in its entirety. However, as a take one step at a time, my trust grows along with my slow progress. I realize that my understanding and relationships are completely changed. I begin to surrender my preconceived notions, even about what God is like, and He replaces my self-reliance with His strength in a tender and loving way. St. Teresa of Avila, in her final book “Interior Castle” writes about a journey through various “mansions” to arrive at the final destination – communion with God. It is really a story of spiritual formation. Glad that you are encouraged by these lessons!

    In Him,
    Abbot Dan

    carol newbern

    Dear Abbot Dan, Thank you for your encouragement! Looking forward to more classes:) c

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