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  • #2665
    carol newbern

    Good Morning Abbot Dan, (A point of information first please….I have not posted again on the much older students’ posts…they seem to have moved on…should I go ahead and respond to what they posted for each lesson??)

    What I have experienced a few times as “Going Through the Wall” seems to be a sense of “Point of No Return” That if I take this one more step…all will be irrevocably changed…no going back… jumping off a cliff. Very scary, but also exciting. As I get older and am learning to trust Who God is and Whose I am…there is less that holds me back. (I pray I don’t deceive myself…I am not blind to my continual struggles with sloth and distractions.) BUT, I’m am trusting more that it is God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit, whose job it is to accomplish my sanctification and finish the job they have begun in me:)

    Have a Blessed Christmas Season
    carol newbern

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