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  • #2581
    carol newbern

    Good Morning, Having resisted journaling in the past, find it interesting how the act of writing does seem to open a floodgate of thoughts and feelings. The angry/sad/anxious/glad questions seem to be directed at myself and my choices. Especially in terms of people to submit myself to. (Anger at myself and other) The sense that… if I serve you… even to the detriment of my own needs… you are obligated to take care of me. Then the sadness at being disappointed by those I trusted. Stepping out of these patterns is scary (anxious)..But I am glad that I’m am “falling across” or “being led to” God-centered safe resources and relationships.

    carol newbern

    Good Morning, In pondering workbook page 34 question 11. Living in false self means (even when I think I am serving/helping) i am trying to offer what I do not have…which is a grave disservice to others. (Not sure if I read i this study or another.)


    “Living in false self means…I am trying to offer what I do not have.” This is a wonderful insight that helps me, Carol. Trying to offer patience, energy, skill, even love that I do not actually have a hold of. I wonder if my desire to do this is about someone else seeing me as god? I want to be what I am not. I live in that pride and try to assert myself into a place rather than receiving well my own limitations.

    Great insight. Thank you.

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