Home Forums Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Forum carol newbern lesson 1

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  • #2536
    carol newbern

    Good Morning,

    First, Thank you for your clear instructions in navigating the 3 books. I was a bit overwhelmed at first.

    The 2 main symptoms I live are: 2. Ignoring the emotions of anger, sadness and fear and 7. spiritualizing away conflict.


    Carol, I appreciate your self awareness and your transparency regarding these challenges. I am very “conflict avoidance” prone. Many of these things are family-of-origin traits that shape us in our youth, as well as our Church training that suggest “Christians shouldn’t be angry.” I hope this course will be of some help.

    Thank you for your encouraging words about clear instructions. That is one of the great hurdles of on-line teaching. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly at dan@christmission.us.

    In Him,
    Abbot Dan

    Francis Calvert

    For me the two main symptoms are Doing for God instead of Being with God and dividing life into sacred and secular. I find both of these very challenging but I am working on them both.

    Brian Ipock

    I too can avoid those emotions when convenient, which is most of the time? Sigh.

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