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    carol newbern

    Good Morning, Comparing King David and CS Lewis reinforces that God will meet us where we are. It seems David’s relationship with God drove him to more healthy relationships with others, while the opposite is true of CS Lewis. I suppose I have been more like David in wanting to hide from others within my relationship with God. It was in St. Benedict’s Rule about not being able to be a Hermit until you learned to be in Community that has driven me to be intentional in opening up to others. (As a wonderful result He has led me into a wonderful Covenant Group with 6 other strong and honest ladies from our church:)


    Wonderful insights! I enjoy reflecting on the names of God as He revealed Himself to Israel throughout Hebrew Scripture. His is Elohim and Adonia, El Roi and Jehovah Tsidkenu. He is creator and sustainer. The LORD who sees and the LORD who is our righteousness. God used more than 20 names to ensure the people that regardless of their circumstances, God is more than sufficient for them in that place. He is equally more than sufficient for us as well.

    So glad that you have found communion with others.

    In Him,
    Abbot Dan

    carol newbern

    Good Morning Abbot Dan, I found this link to be helpful in exploring Names of God in the Old Testament. The Tozer quote , “Acquaint thyself with God.” is a fathomless challenge and delight:)


    Bless you all, carol

    Charlotte Matheny

    July 14,2020….In the midst of the Covid pandemic, I am sheltering in place, caring for my husband…My other relationships are on FB now and online with my Christ mission brothers and sisters….Through my relationship with my mentor and anamchara Sister Deanna, I am beginning to get to know myself….thank you for allowing me to take this class.

    carol newbern

    Hello Charlotte, Nice to have you in this conversation. I too am staying mostly home. Playing in the garden, working toward a Permaculture Food Forest. It is a long patient process…building good soil. My dream is to have a place to share with others…Once we can let them come over:).
    Having a Mentor is a rare gift. I was beginning to build a relationship with Sr. Jeanie Drake. She more than anyone in many, many years shared Jesus’ love in such a way, in just a few moments (without even knowing it) to begin the process of softening my heart, so I could even consider any of this introspection. Bless you and all you love, Carol Newbern

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