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  • #5289
    Brian Ipock

    6. In the coming week, how will you lean into the joy of developing your skills and gifts for the benefit of others?

    So first off, I identified what I believe to be my spiritual gifts as Serving, Teaching, Mercy, and Leadership. In the coming week, I can really see myself focusing on Serving and Mercy in particular. I volunteer at one of the local homeless ministries in the area but have been looking at a local food bank as well. They do great work at the food bank, and by joining their effort I’ll be able to show mercy to and serve a lot more people in the local community. A focus on the poor and marginalized is important to me and is something I want to constantly look more into and get better at.


    Brian, I would love to hear how you think about getting better at focusing on the poor. Is this assessable? I tend to have the same desire, but I struggle to know how I can do it in an integrated way with the other things I have happening in my life.

    I think you are wise to select just two of your gifts to focus on for the week. The challenge for me is to try and do everything at once, but your approach will probably lead to a growth in leadership and teaching as well, even though they aren’t being focused on. You are developing eyes to see the way that people experience the world and compassion for needs, which is central to the act of teaching. I’d love to hear any reflection from this week of late October/early November if you have them!


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