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  • #5240
    Brian Ipock

    Consider King David’s story. What resonates with you? Why?

    Well like David I’ve been with God since my youth (though I’m not a man after God’s own heart by any means). I was brought up in church, and it very much stuck with that tender hearted Kentucky kid. Church was family, church was home. I was happy to go to the house of the Lord, and I wanted to always be there.

    Like David though I eventually sinned, horribly. I’ve had a lot of ups and downs, more downs than ups. God never gave up on me though, he’s always been there. That’s something I truly get from David’s story, and all of Israel (see the book of Judges, and so on). No matter how much we all mess up, God is there. No matter how broken, and stubborn, God is there. No matter what giants enter our lives, mocking and trying to kill us, God is there. Thanks be to God!

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