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  • #2999
    Francis Calvert

    I felt a real sense of serenity and oneness with God as I did my breath prayer. I used the word Yahweh as Fr Rohr suggests and it felt very natural and unforced, I can see how this form of prayer could really deepen my prayer time alone with God.


    Thank you for sharing Francis. I find it interesting that our first breath and the final breath are the same. We breath the name of God regardless of our condition. I take great comfort in that. God bless you as you continue to study.

    Abbot Dan

    Dennis Halfhill

    I find the Breath Prayer using Yahweh to be very helpful by making me more sensitive to the presence of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit all around and in me. It’s a very warm, comforting and reassuring feeling. Yes, I agree with you Abbot Dan that it is fascinating that our first breath and last breath acknowledges our Creator.

    Joseph Hain

    I found the experience to be quite powerful and relaxing(despite my experience being rather brief). I did find it interesting that our first and last breaths are a prayer.

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