Course Catalog
Current Courses
Welcome to Christ Mission Academy. We are primarily responsible for educating brothers and sisters of Christ Mission Anglican Benedictines. We also welcome anyone who desires to deepen their faith in Christ Jesus. We are dedicated to bringing the best practical teaching that we can find in the Christian community and providing those teaching to anyone who desires to learn. There are NO TUITION FEES for these courses. You may need to purchase a student workbook for some studies. You will be directed to the proper distributors for those books. Browse the course catalog and see what your soul is thirsting to study.
Monastery of the Heart Series
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
We begin the series with this course. We follow the study prepared by Peter Scazzero. It is an excellent introduction into Monastic Spirituality.
Crafting a Rule of Life
A Rule of Life is the essence of Monastic Spirituality. Benedictines vow to follow the Rule of St. Benedict. Here you will develop your own rhythm of life.
Oremus - "Let us pray"
This eight part study guides students through the simple, yet profound steps to an effective and fruitful prayer life. Material is published by Ascension Press.
Contemplative Prayer
Prayer is life giving to Benedictine Spirituality. You have learned the spiritual nourishment gained through the Daily Office. Now, be still and know that He is God.
Study Afresh
We have been taught to to master the material of our study. Holy Scripture requires that we reverse our mindset to allow Holy Scripture to master us.
God's Vision for Your Life
This course explores the distinction between skills, talents, and spiritual gifts. The study is based on a course of the same title by Stephen Ministries.
Primer - Benedictine Daily Prayer
Welcome to a Primer on using the Benedictine Daily Prayer Breviary. This instructional video is available to anyone who is seeking to pray the Daily Office using the Benedictine Daily Prayer Breviary, 2nd Edition.
Radical Community
REGISTER NOW FOR THIS COURSE!! The early church rapidly grew in a culture that despised them. Christians won over others by exercising hospitality - the heart of radical community.
Stephen Ministry Initial Training
The courses for Stephen Ministry are limited to members of Christ Mission Anglican Benedictines. All registrations must be reviewed and approved.
Personal Pastoral Care Series
God's Vision for Your Life
This is the same course as is provided to the Anglican Communion Benedictines. It is fundamental to know God's gift for yourself.
Discover Healing in Grief
This course considers the hard work of grief and the importance of grieving. Grief is hard work and not something to "get over." Grief is an element of self.
Stephen Ministry Initial Training - Revised
Limited to Stephen Minister Candidates. Fee required for materials . All registrations must be approved.
Encourage, Equip, & See Series
The Attributes of God
The renown 20th Century theologian, A.W. Tozer wrote a powerful book by this same title. However, much of the material used in this course was inspired by Kay Arthur's book, "Lord, I want to know you." In this course, you will be encouraged to know God in every aspect of your life.
Jesus, Kinsman Redeemer
St. John informs us that Jesus is the Living Word and became fully human while remaining fully Divine. The writer of Hebrews claims that Jesus is the foundation and perfecter of our faith. In Paul's letter to the Galatians, he proclaims Jesus as Redeemer. Moses, in Leviticus describes the role of Kinsman Redeemer.
Holy Spirit, Comforter and Guide
This course looks to Scripture to learn about the Holy Spirit as the third person in the Trinity. Jesus called the Holy Spirit "The Comforter." You will consider the various names that refer to the Holy Spirit and what the names reveal about Him. Where does the pursuit of holiness stand in your life's priorities?
Workshops & Retreats
Discover Healing in Grief Retreat
This Retreat is offered on an "On-Demand" basis. If you have an interest in or need for this Retreat, PLEASE CONTACT ME and we can discuss scheduling a time for your group. Costs are kept to a minimum, but must cover travel and lodging for presenters, as well as participants. This 4-day (3 night) retreat offers space to hear, discuss, and consider the hard work of grief and the importance of grieving. Grief is hard work and not something to "get over." Grief is an element of self.