Stephen Ministries, St. Louis updated its training materials to make this training more effective and intuitive. This material is incorporated in this revised course. The older training is still effective and provides excellent equipping. If you have begun your training with that material, continue on with the original course. However, Christ Mission Academy is transitioning to the new material.

If you are not familiar with Stephen Ministry, go to their website and discover what this amazing ministry is all about. Their homepage can be accessed at –

Stephen Ministry training is unlike most of the other courses provided through Christ Mission Academy. This training must be taken with another person, someone who works through the material and completes the numerous practical exercises with you. In our Benedictine community, we call that person your Anam Cara (Celtic for “soul friend”). You will frequently hear me speak of Anam Cara. This is your partner who is also enrolled in this training.

This comprehensive program has proven its effectiveness in more than 13,000 congregations and organization from more than 180 denominations in the United States, Canada, and 30 other countries who are implementing this distinctively Christian caring ministry. Stephen Ministries provides training and materials to Stephen Leaders who then teach Stephen Ministers and manage the ministry in their parishes, congregations, and organizations.

Only congregations and organizations who are approved and registered as “Stephen Ministry Congregations” are authorized to use these copyrighted tools. Therefore, only vowed members of Anglican Communion Benedictines are authorized to enroll in this course. The materials presented here are provided under the copyrights of Stephen Ministries and are intended for the sole use of Christ Mission Anglican Benedictines for the education and training of this community to serve one another, and those who desire this compassionate ministry.

This initial course includes eighteen lessons that must be completed in sequence prior to completing the basic studies required for Stephen Ministers to begin practicing this ministry of presence. Following completion of this course, there will be on-going continuing education and group supervision for all who are actively serving as a spiritual care-giver.

Stephen Ministry Plan


Enrollment for this course is intended for equipping members of Christ Mission Anglican Benedictines. 

Exceptions are considered on a case-by-case basis for other applicants and include a fee to cover material costs and expenses.
Contact Christ Mission Anglican Benedictines ( for details.

The Person of the Caregiver

Feelings: Yours, Mine, and Ours

The Art of Listening

Distinctively Christian Caring

A Process Approach to Caring

Assertiveness: Relating Gently & Firmly

Maintaining Boundaries in Caregiving

Crisis Theory & Practice: Danger vs Opportunity


Caring between Visits

Using Mental Health Professionals and Other Resources

Ministering to Those Experiencing Grief

Caring for Those with Depression: The Stephen Minister’s Role

Helping Suicidal Persons Get the Help They Need

Bringing the Caring Relationship to a Close

Supervision: A Key to Quality Christian Care

How to Make a First Caring Visit

Go – God is with You!

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