Stephen Ministry Plan
You must be a member of Christ Mission Anglican Benedictines (Anglican Communion Benedictines) to enroll in this course.
The Person of the Caregiver
Welcome & Devotional – A Transforming Journey.
The Caregiver’s Compass.
Characteristics of a Caregiver.
Growing as Caregivers.
Relationship Exercise.
Caregiver’s Compass Review.
Feelings: Yours, Mine, and Ours
Welcome & Devotional – Rejoicing and Mourning.
Our Own Feelings.
LIFE – Why Feelings Need to be Expressed.
A Model for Dealing with Feelings.
Sharing and Listening to Feelings.
The Mud Hole.
Creating a Safe Place for People.
Caregiver’s Compass Review.
The Art of Listening
Welcome & Devotional – Our Listening God.
May I Have Your Attention, Please?.
Listening Facts Quiz.
Reflective Listening Exercise.
Caregiver’s Compass Review.
Distinctively Christian Caring
Welcome & Devotional – Christlike Caregivers.
Why Care?.
Servanthood vs Servitude.
Move Over, Freud!.
Touching Spiritual Depths.
A Box of Distinctive Tools.
Thin Prayers, Fat Prayers.
Tools of Your Trade: Their Use and Abuse.
Confession and Absolution over the Back Fence.
The Bible.
Caregiver’s Compass Review.
Process versus Results in Caregiving
Welcome & Devotional – Paul, Apollos, and God.
Process vs Results Skill Practice.
Process-Oriented Goals.
How to Provide Process-Oriented Care.
Practicing Process-Oriented Caregiving.
Caregiver’s Compass Review.
Assertiveness: Relating Gently & Firmly
Welcome & Devotional – The Power of Speaking the Truth in Love.
Definition of Assertiveness.
Assertive, Passive, and Aggressive Bible Stories.
Simple Assertions.
When, Where, and How to be Assertive.
What Might It Mean to Be an Assertive Christian?.
LIFE: Assertiveness Experiences.
Assertively Dealing with Anger.
Assertively Expressing and Receiving Compliments.
Is Assertiveness Christian?.
Caregiver’s Compass Review.
Maintaining Boundaries in Caregiving
Welcome & Devotional – Burdens and Loads.
Boundaries for Stephen Ministers and Care Receivers.
What Boundaries Are Needed Here?.
Caregiver’s Compass Review.
Crisis Theory & Practice: Danger vs Opportunity
Welcome & Devotional – Sand and Rock.
LIFE: Crisis Self-Inventory.
The Course of a Crisis.
How Stephen Ministers Care for People in Crisis.
Crisis Script.
Caregiver’s Compass Review.
Welcome & Devotional – The Power of Words.
LIFE: When Confidentiality was Important to Me.
How to Communicate about Confidentiality.
Confidentiality Challenges.
Caregiver’s Compass Review.
Telecare: The Next Best Thing to Being There
Welcome & Devotional – What Would Paul Have Given for a Cell Phone?.
LIFE: Experiences of Telecare.
Differences between In-Person Care and Telecare.
Techniques for Caring over the Telephone.
Caregiver’s Compass Review.
Using Mental Health Professionals and Other Resources
Welcome & Devotional – How Highly Ought We to Think about Ourselves?.
Stephen Ministry and Mental Health Issues.
Making Referrals to Mental Health Professionals.
Making Referrals to Other Community Resources.
Caregiver’s Compass Review.
Ministering to Those Experiencing Grief
Welcome & Devotional – Grieving is Christian.
LIFE: Our Own Grief.
What Can Cause Grief?.
Principles in Caring for Grieving People.
How to Care for Each Stage of Grief.
Practicing Grief Care.
Caregiver’s Compass Review.
Dealing with Depression: The Stephen Minister’s Role
Welcome & Devotional – The Certainty of Loss and the Promise of Joy.
LIFE: Visualizing Depression.
How to Care for Mildly to Moderately Depressed Persons.
How to Know When to Refer.
Skill Practice Caring for Mildly to Moderately Depressed Persons.
Caregiver’s Compass Review.
Helping Suicidal Persons Get the Help They Need
Welcome & Devotional – Inseparable.
Assessing the Risk of Suicide.
Steps to Take if You Believe Your Care Receiver May Be Suicidal.
Skill Practice Helping Suicidal Persons Get the Help They Need.
Caregiver’s Compass Review.
Bringing the Caring Relationship to a Close
Welcome & Devotional – Caregiving Is an Act of Faith.
LIFE: Experiences of Closure or No Closure.
Closure Challenges.
Practicing Closure.
Caregiver’s Compass Review.
Supervision: A Key to Quality Christian Care
Welcome & Devotional – Encourage One Another.
How Does Small Group Supervision Work?.
A Demonstration of Small Group Peer Supervision.
Steps in the Supervision Process.
Maintaining Confidentiality in Supervision.
Practice Supervision Session.
Caregiver’s Compass Review.
How to Make a First Caring Visit
Welcome & Devotional – Your Authority to Care.
How Referrals Work.
Practice the First Caring Visit.
Looking Forward to Your First Caring Visit.
Caregiver’s Compass Review.
Follow Me
Welcome & Devotional – Following Jesus.
The Caregiver’s Compass Revisited.
What Stephen Ministry Means to Me.
Go – God Is With You!.
Nuts and Bolts.
Give Thanks to God.
Just want to comment that I love the curriculum.
Some other trainings share much in common with what
Steven Ministry best practices; However, I’m approaching this
course with a clean slate so to speak in the area of being willing to learn
new ways of holy helping. Thank you Abbot for this generous opportunity.
Sr Deana
Sister Deana, so glad that you are excited for this course. I pray that it is a blessing.
In Him,
Abbot Dan
Although I have not started the course I can see how it will help in my vocation as a Benedictine Monk. My background is care work here in the UK predominantly with the Elderly but also with Mental health clients. I have also done a Pastoral care course when I was an Authorised Lay Minister in the local CofE team ministry. This course seems very comprehensive. I do suffer with mental health problems myself so it will be interesting to see how I cope with those parts of the course. I look forward to starting this course.