Discovering God’s Vision for Your Life

Discovering God’s Vision for Your Life: You and Your Spiritual Gifts was developed by Stephen Ministries and “field tested” by 94 parishes and congregations. In this course you will look at your spiritual life to deepen your relationship with God. Discovering your spiritual gifts, developing them, and putting them to use are intensely spiritual experience. God has made some definite promises to us through our giftedness, and together we’re going to explore what these promises mean for our lives.

Course Information

Course Instructor

Danny Danny Author

Abbot Dan Nobles, Ph.D., OSB, leads the community of Anglican Communion Benedictines. Among his responsibilities is the teaching and spiritual formation of the community. To fulfill that duty, Abbot Dan created this on-line academy. This is intended to be a place of learning. It is primarily tuition-free, though students may have to purchase workbooks for some classes. You can learn more about our community through our website at

God’s Vision for Your Life