Francis Calvert started the topic How much have I considered the instruments I need in relation to knowing God. in the forum Contemplative Prayer Forum 4 years, 11 months ago
I try each day to spend time with God, indeed it is the focus of my day. I start by doing the daily office although I do not always manage all of ti depending on how my health is that day. I am learning how to pray the office and not just say it. I find that difficult at times. Scripture is essential to a greater understanding of where I am in relation to God. I need to truly reflect on scripture and take it to heart. approach it humbly. My circumstances often throw up challenges as to how I relate to God, when times are difficult it can be very easy to be disheartened and wonder where God is, Scripture though shows us plenty of examples where people are picked up and helped through the bad times. I need to remember that. Spending time in fellowship with other believers is essential and I do try and do that, whether it is in person or on social media. That is necessary for me to understand my relationship with God.
As we open our hearts to God, He forms us as He desires. Our attempts to “do” for Him are generally feeble and misguided. Your Father desires you, not what you do. He wants to hold you. He will then do what He desires, and He may even invite you into the work that He is about. The monastic spirit considers life in the terms of breathing. We inhale God’s breath of life – prayer. We exhale God’s compassion to others – service. He opens the doors for both. Please don’t get me wrong, service for others is accomplished. However, God uses the tools and opportunities that He desires for that service. But that is not His primary concern. His primary care is you. Prayer is the event that you receive His love.