About Christ Mission Academy

Abbot Dan Nobles, Ph.D., OSB

Anglican Communion Benedictines

About the Academy

CHRIST MISSION ACADEMY is the learning center extension of the Order of the Christ Mission Anglican Benedictines. The mission of the Academy is to offer various courses, workshops, and retreats for all who are interested in deeper relationship with God through prayer, study, and service. Look at the Course Catalog for all available courses. Many of the courses are provided on-line, they are self-paced, AND FREE. You will only be responsible for buying the books or materials for those courses. There will also be opportunities for special retreats and workshops. Tuition fees for those events will be kept to the lowest costs possible. Now - Welcome to Christ Mission Academy. Let's get started!

About the Abbot

Abbot Dan Nobles, was elected and installed as Abbot of Christ Mission Anglican Benedictines in June 2019.  He completed his seminary education through Trinity Theological Seminary, earning a doctorate in Theological Leadership. Abbot Dan was ordained as a Priest serving the Anglican Communion. He began his monastic journey as an Oblate and pursued vowed Religious Life. Prior to his election, Abbot Dan served the Order as Dean of Monastic Formation.

A little more about me; I grew up in rural Alabama, the youngest of six boys. Inheriting values of faith and service to others from my parents. Connie and I met in Kansas. We married and raised two daughters. Today, 43 years later, we live in North Carolina and enjoy 7 grandchildren. Retired from the Army, I entered seminary and earned a PhD, studying the stresses faced by Christian leaders and ways of promoting their wellbeing. Seeking a different path of spiritual growth, I discovered the Order of St. Benedict, and found a community of faithful disciples who seek to be with our Lord more than trying to do Christianity. Sounds strange, doesn’t it? As I learned to pray contemplatively, it was as if my second lung began to breath. My life became less hectic and my soul found peace. To me, monastic spirituality is being with God in community. As we serve others, we realize that God is serving through us. My advice to others - seek to be with God rather than insisting on doing for God. As He fills you with Himself, He will do mighty things around (and sometimes through) you.

Comments & Reviews

Danny is a top notch professional that I always go to with the hard problems. There are none better. Long Ball Hitter. “

Dan McCarron

Vice President, TIAG​

” Danny is above all a Godly man who is committed to serving Him in whatever capacity he sees God leading him. He is well-organized, a clear objective thinker, and a good friend and brother in Christ. I love him dearly. “

John S. Close

Retired Professor, Columbia Internation University

” Whatever title you choose to know Dan Nobles by, know him as a gentleman who walks in the Light and allows his light to shine on others.”

Dennis Brooks

Financial Consultant